December News

07/12/2017 18:06

A recent highlight was showing the students from Trident's Special Education Unit our traps and catching a rat
with them. These students were so very enthusiastic about our camp and everything we had to offer. One of the boys could barely control his emotions, because he was so happy he popped a balloon with archery. I am very impressed with their teachers who managed to organise a primitive camp for 20 students with a wide range of physical and behaviour needs. They maintained a respectful and inclusive atmosphere at all times and made sure the camp was a positive experience for each and every student.

Another group from Trident was the Junior Service Academy. They come twice a year for their community service and complete many jobs. They maintained the gardens; sweep the concrete steps; clean the
outside of the school house; filled the rabbit holes in the field and gave the playground a spring clean. The students always work with enthusiasm, we have enjoyed their company and are grateful for the improvements they have made. With Andy Holmes doing a great job on the lawns the grounds look well maintained.

Two more groups visited for an environmental camp, both classes from Whakatane Intermediate. These groups participated with pest control; learned to identify and classify native trees and birds as well as having some fun at the lake. As part of their annual activities days we also has two days of visits from Tarawera High School, who also participated in a similar programme. The weather was kind for all recent visits and apart from erratic water supply we had several successful days.

The Manawahe Eco Trust also had a stand at the Curious Citizen Symposium that was organised by House of Science in Te Puke. Liddy's stand was visited by many teachers from the Bay of Plenty and it was also a great opportunity to network with conservation organisations from the Western Bay.

A quieter month now that the major baiting and monitoring activities are over for the year.

Peter has shown two new volunteersaround trap lines, one on Braemar Rd and the other at MacIntosh's farm. He replaced one worn out trap in the Cell Tower and also identified another new volunteer possibly to do the Karaponga line. Peter has also had contact with Kevin Bain from NZautotraps with a view to Manawahe being a trial site for their new resetting traps. They seem keen and next time Kevin is in Whakatane  he will meet up with us. I have a suitable site in mind to use these resetting traps as it is steep and quite difficult.

We are waiting for two poles from Horizon Energy to rebuild a bridge near the Cell Tower, with an architect
awaiting the design job!

Peter has also had a discussion with Gaye Payze about getting all of the MET community loan traps onto the HALO map and to formalise the data collection from these so the results go onto the Kiwitrust site we use for our main trap lines.

MKT has set up some cameras and have recorded feral cats in the Kokako block so Peter has reset all of the cat traps and plans to install a couple more exactly where they have been sighted.

Confirmed upcoming event

24-26 Jan 2018 Trident High School Prefect training

3rd April School Multisport Race.

We would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude to the people, companies and organisations who have assisted us financially and/or on a personal level in the past twelve months.

Bay Energy Trust, Bay Trust, Southern Trust,
Jones & Cole Electrical, Dept of Conservation, BOP Regional Council, Harrisons Energy Insulation, MacIntosh family, local schools & staff and students, Stockerau Station, Paul & Trish Jones, Manawahe District Society,
Manawahe Distinct News, Transpower, Andy Holmes, Private Asset Management. (apologies for any omissions)

Thanks to you all. 

 And may we wish you all a safe and healthy Festive season and may it continue for 2018